Getting To Know the Process of Accreditation for Accredited Online Colleges

Accredited online colleges, just like any other forms of educational institutions, are always given accreditations. What is an accreditation? It is an independent review made by educational accrediting agencies on the education programs of a certain institution for the intention of seeking quality in all the courses and lessons offered by that certain educational institution.

Accredited online colleges are important these days because these institutions provide accredited degrees that lean on various opportunities that today’s job market can offer. Getting educated under these institutions would most likely land the degree holder a job that matches his course just like any degree holder who studied in traditional colleges.

It is vital to take notice that the United States Department of Education does not do the accreditation process, let alone accredit the degree programs of the online institution. It is mandatory, though, for the department to post a list of nationally-recognized accreditation agencies which the Secretary of Education sees as the main agencies that look on an online institution’s quality of education.

There are a lot of accrediting agencies listed by the US Department of Education that are authorities of educational quality. Here are some of the commonly recognized agencies: Middle States Commission on Higher Education, Northwest Association of Schools and of Colleges and Universities, Higher Learning Commission of North Central Region, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, among all others.

The aforementioned accrediting agencies cover accredited online colleges in major geographic regions in the United States. Aside from these, there are other accrediting agencies, such as Distance Education and Training Council. It is an agency that accredits distance education programs and colleges. Another is the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools.

Every student who wishes to enroll on an online college must be very well aware of the chosen institution’s accreditation by the accrediting agencies. If a school is unable to give an answer from a student’s query regarding the school’s accreditation, it is necessary to find another online college because it is most likely that this institution is questionable.