Accredited Online Colleges with Online Education Degrees

Most accredited online colleges in the United States offer education courses of various degrees, either undergraduate or masters, and of various teaching areas. There are online colleges that are open to students who wanted to pursue and enter the field of teaching, and are also open to teachers who wanted to study a certain course for certification purposes and for those who want to earn a doctorate.

accredited online colleges that offer education courses are many to mention, but here are the few ones who have either one program or a list of programs that are linked to the field of education. The first one is the University of Phoenix. The institution offers associate courses, Bachelor of Science courses, Masters, and a doctorate in various education fields.

One such course is the Associate of Arts in Elementary Education. This course is to be completed to get to the next step of earning a Bachelor’s Degree in the same field in order to become a full-time teacher. Another course is the Bachelor of Science in Education-Elementary Teacher Education. This undergraduate degree program is for students who, upon their completion, would prepare them for their licensure exam.

Another institution from these accredited online colleges in the US is the Kaplan University. The institution has an associate degree on interdisciplinary studies, which is a program that can be availed up until its completion even while working as a professional. Another is the Associate of Science in Early Childhood Development. The professional work aligning this course is on teaching pre-school children.

Two other institutions that offer Master of Arts in Education courses are the George Washington University and the Norwich University. Both these courses lean on educational as a tool in making a difference in the field of education. Job opportunities would include becoming a superior in an educational institution.